Buying a Kennel Club puppy vs dog adoption

Most dog owners will have come across the #adoptnotshop hashtag/initiative somewhere in some form and I must admit I sometimes feel a sense of guilt of not giving some poor lost soul a home for life. I find it absolutely heartbreaking how many people simply get rid of a dog who to me is an…

Mornings with Jazz – from puppy to adult

I can’t speak for every spaniel or every other high energy dog owner out there but I have a strong suspicion many of us experience a “puppyhood amnesia”… This cunning loss of memory of all the things sanity challenging allows us to not only selectively recall the cutest, loveliest of moments whilst erasing all hair…

How one Spaniel made me want to have them all!

There never seem to be the right first post or the right first sentence so I thought I’d just start from something that have hugely contributed to the existence of this blog anyway: spaniel addiction. Having always been fascinated by multitude of dog breeds and wanting to experience bringing up many different ones, I never…

The Journey Begins…

Hi, Welcome to this first short post which job is to fill the gap between now and when I commence regular blogging. The idea for this blog has been brewing for almost two years but for one reason or another it has never gotten finalised until now. I will add a proper ‘About’ page on…