Zen to my Jazz – adding a second dog to the family…

There has been so much I wanted to write about when I set up this blog but life happened and crushed many of my energies, time and writing spirits for a long time. Alas, we are back. First of all I’d like to introduce the newest, squishiest and most adorable Springer boy who joined us…

Jazzy’s Agility Adventures

Jazzy and I started our Agility adventures at the end of September 2018 and other than a few weeks break over Christmas and New Year, we have been attending weekly lessons ever since. At first I wasn’t sure if it was the right activity for her. Although she loves jumping and running everywhere, she was…

Becoming a dog trainer made easy…or NOT!

I am not sure why I thought so but when I finally decided to follow my childhood dream to qualify as a dog trainer, I just assumed I would find a super training course that I could study online, do some offline workshops and case studies and spend a few years immersed in learning something…

Female Dog Matters – life with an unspayed female dog

Probably the first question a female puppy’s owner will need to answer, myself included, is: to spay or not to spay… I’ve never owned a neutered dog or cat so I fully acknowledge I am fairly biased with my views but before considering what route to take with Jazz, I have tried to educate myself…

Pet GunDog Part 3. Summary – three years on!

On the 21st January 2019 Jazz will turn 3 years old. It’s been the most amazing three years that taught me a lot and I recently had an idea to share some of my observations about my training experiences as a list of various Working Spaniel specific training vs how it helped me with my…

Walks with a hunting dog…

There are many views on walking a working dog breed. Some want them to be “as any other dog”,  some claim “you can’t just take them for a walk” and then there are many variations in between too.  I am definitely somewhere in the middle and I will chat with you about my observations of…

Life pursuits and Canine Careers

Do you ever feel like thinking of doing something and then realising it’s something you wanted to do as a child but somehow never ended up going for it? That’s me right now. I’m self employed doing what I love doing yet having this niggling feeling that there is more and I’d love to expand…

Choosing dog food for Jazz…

I should probably preface this post by saying that I am in the “you are what you eat” camp when it comes to nutrition whether feeding myself or my animals 😉 This is not to say I always eat amazingly healthily but I am aware of the effect different foods can have, how it affects…

Our adventures with Gundog training. Pet Gundog Part 1: How we started

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Following my blog post on using Gundog training principles and guidelines for Jazz as part of her overall good education, I have received many questions about it over on Jazz’s Instagram account. Most frequent were about how I started with it, how we chose what to do and how to stay…